3 years...

9:12 PM Edit This 2 Comments »

three years ago tonight,
my best friend lay in my arms and slipped into heaven...  
she was:
incredibly patient and kind.  she was never boastful, conceited, or rude.
she was notself-seeking nor easily angered. 
she kept absolutely no record of wrong-doing...
she always protected, trusted, hoped and God knows the woman persevered.
in a word, she was love.

her words are inscribed in my heart...

"...i resolve with all my heart to live just one day.
do my best and then finish the day.
profit by my mistakes.  be tolerant of others and try not to criticize,
just do my own clear duty and leave the results to God. 
be glad of pain if pain be sent.  for out of pain and suffering
grow the beautiful things of life,
if we keep out eyes lifted above the clouds
and look for the 'silver-lining'.
life is only a day quickly passed and gone.  Give All"
ann axelson
1910 - 2005


Christie_Dee said...

Wow that is awesome! Tell Shalene nice job! And I LOVE how you joined in at the end! What an amazing mother you are!

Gabe ♥ Hannah said...

i love how much you love aunt doda! i miss her too!